Our Angel Baby



A little Angel on Earth you are. You spread your wings wide and touched the hearts of many. How proud we are of you. Your time here was short by the standards of man, but in our eyes and hearts, we know you live forever. We hear your laughter, wipe away your tears, and know your brilliance, because we have imagined your future a thousand times. This was not the story we wrote, but clearly your destiny was greater than Earth could provide.Fly away little girl, and watch over us all. You are safe now.

Until we meet again, Your loved ones

Some people only dream of Angels...

...I've held one in my arms

~These are Maddie's foot prints and hers alone~

~What an imprint you have left on our hearts~

This flame shall always burn in memory of Madeline Rachael

See Maddie's Awards here!

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This page was made for Terrell, Alicia, and Big Brother Jack in loving memory of their daughter and sister, Madeline Rachael Parker.

~May your Guardian Angel watch over you always~

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This site was made with love by The Parish Family on September 16, 2000. Please e-mail us if there are any problems or broken links in this site. Thank you.


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The contents of this site are property of Madeline's Mommy and Daddy. This site is best veiwed in Internet Explorer 5.0. Some browsers may distort or change graphics or fonts.







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is owned by Maddie's Mommy and Daddy.

~ We're Still Moms ~
~ Cause No Matter What We Are Still Moms ~